Electric Ireland needed to optimise their switching application to encourage more people to complete the sign-up process. We were tasked with increasing switches from 5% to 11%, with UX being the only investment for Electric Ireland (no advertising etc.). The project was a massive success and exceeded their expectations.
Our initial research involved interviewing staff members of Electric Ireland teams, reviewing analytics, user-testing the existing app as well as those of its competitors. After documenting our findings we held a series of workshops with members of the Electric Ireland staff.
We created a detailed wireframe, which doubled as a functional spec, and this helped to speed up the project so that Electric Ireland staff members could engage with the new flow.
This flow shows how a person would sign-up for electricity and gas. We used the flows to guide our wireframing process and to discover constraints and the optimal flow for a user.
Below are examples of wireframes that were used to aid discussions with staff members and to get sign-off for different facets of the project from various departments. We also ran a series of in-person user tests on these wireframes.
When I started working on this project I inherited an existing design and worked within its constraints.